A CPAP machine treats sleep apnea by delivering a continuous stream of air to create positive pressure in your airway and keep it open throughout the night so you can continue to breathe. The bedside CPAP machine is connected by a tube to a mask you wear at night.

There are several styles of masks, including those that go under the nose (nasal pillows), over the nose (nasal), and over the nose & mouth (full face). CPAP machines come in a variety of makes and models with some standard modes based on their function:

· CPAP delivers one fixed pressure throughout the night

· APAP provides an automatically adjusted pressure based on your breathing

· BiPAP provides two fixed pressures - one for breathing in and one for breathing out

CPAP has been the gold standard treatment for sleep apnea since 1981, and the machines have come a long way in that time. Newer devices are barely louder than a whisper (and quieter than snoring!), and some models can be as small as a cell phone. Despite these advances, many people still struggle with CPAP machines due to comfort, noise, and breathing difficulty issues.


  • Considered Gold Standard in OSA therapy.

  • Indicated for mild, moderate, and severe OSA.

  • Machines and masks come in a variety of sizes and styles.

  • Covered by Medicare and commercial insurance.


  • Can be difficult for some patients to get used to or tolerate.

  • Masks can be uncomfortable or cause feeling of claustrophobia.

  • May cause nasal discomfort (including congestion, dryness, sneezing and runny nose), sore throat, irritated eyes, skin irritation and abdominal bloating.

  • Requires regular cleaning of mask, tubing, and humidifier chamber to avoid bacteria and germs that can lead to infection.

  • Noise - although most machines are relatively quiet, the sound can be frustrating for your bed partner.

  • Can be a hassle when travelling.

Mask Styles

There are several styles of masks, including those that go under the nose (nasal pillows), over the nose (nasal), and over the nose & mouth (full face).

Full Face Mask
Nasal Mask
Nasal Pillows